Monday 26 August 2013

Day Two

Start: Saint Omer   Finish: Peronne   

Distance: 75miles   Climb: 3,900ft  Moving Time: 5:30   Average Speed: 14mph     Max Speed: 41mph

Woke up after a solid eight hours and felt pretty good. A huge breakfast (a tonnes of nutella) later and it was time to go. I’d planned a 10am departure to make my way to Arras to meet Albert – but it turned out I had a slow puncture overnight -  and that both of our bike pumps were broken! A bit of frantic internet research and some broken French led us Decathlon (the world’s greatest shop). Where – as well as buying some new racing slick tyres – we picked up a new pump and I got on my way.

The first 40miles to Arras flew by. After some initial navigation out of Saint Omer – I hit an old Roman road – 30 miles of straight road. Demoralisingly long and 'bumpy', but with incredible scenery, no cars and glorious sunshine I was happy cruising along. The cyclist tan lines are coming on a treat.

After a brief lunch near the train station – Albert rolled into town about 3pm and we planned the next 35miles into Peronne. Now Albert was a late call up to this trip – heroically stepping up to the plate to keep me company when Jam found out he couldn’t join the full trip – and arrives straight from a holiday in NY and having done very little training. I was pretty nervous about the first day – hoping that the route provided a good intro for him so that he wouldn’t regret the decision.

The first 5 miles out of Arras turned out to be pretty terrible! We headed down the Route Nationale to get quick access to the countryside – but it wasn’t a fun couple of miles, with a dodgy road surface and heavy traffic. It wasn’t long though, until the side roads I was hoping for came along – and we had a really pleasant 20 miles of single lane riding with no cars – allowing us to cycle side by side and have a good catch up. We’re travelling through the Somme – and most of the small sleepy villages we passed through have memorials and small graveyards.

This is Albert’s first cycle trip – and I’d sold it as hard work, followed by relaxed evenings at rustic guesthouses in rural villages. However – today we find ourselves in a Travelodge next to a motorway outside of Asseville. After a beautiful afternoon of cycling – we find ourselves staying in an awful place! 

However – the nearest town to our hotel is named Albert – so we headed in for a nice dinner and photo opportunity before retiring back to the hotel, absolutely shattered! Day 3 – another 75miler to Chateaux Thierry - coming up!    

The maps (and stats) of rides can be viewed through the Strava website - links to our most recent rides are on the right of this post ->

I told you these would probably get shorter and shorter...

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