Friday 9 August 2013

Good Week/Bad Week

This week started very well.

I got a call on Monday afternoon from Tim Webb of The Times - who wanted a quick chat about this trip. The next morning I woke up to the following article online and in print - great stuff! Thanks go to Tim Webb and Phillip Ranger of Yellow Jersey PR for making the connection - and welcome to anyone who was brought here by The Times article.

My friend from Cambridge, Albert - who now lives in Nice, France - gave me a call on Sunday to let me know he's going to be meeting me in Calais and cycling down to Chamonix with me. Fantastic news.

I've also been having some good luck with the guys at Waboba - who are going to be providing some toys for the journey and a raffle prize (event tba). For those of you who are clueless as to who Waboba are, what Waboba do - check out their website here:

I would estimate I spent around 4 hours a day throwing a Waboba ball during my gap year in 08/09 - and ended up distributing them all over Africa to kids I met on my travels.

Then things took a turn for the worse and I became another London traffic statistic. A bit of reckless driving nearly ruined all my plans as I was cut up on Wednesday evening by a driver who claims not to have seen me. I was sent flying over his bonnet to land on my face in the middle of the road. Thankfully the bike survived, and I only suffered slight cuts and bruises - but sufficiently hurt to mean I'm not going to be able to cycle for about a week or so (I am heading to South Wales this evening for what was supposed to be a final push at endurance training). I guess it was going to happen sooner or later - and it could have been a lot worse! So gym training for the next week or so until my shoulder recovers.

Onwards and upwards!

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